TC device CAD

Take Care

TC device CAD

An internet of things tonic chronic epilepsy bracelet to help predict oncoming seizures and assist people around with how to help. It tracks heart rate, daily activities, and seizures and compares it to previous data.

Initial sketches


Initial sketches

Seizures can happen at any time, without warning and get forgotten about, risking the well-being of the user if changes in health aren’t dealt with accordingly. Rapid changes in heart rate can indicate a seizure, and could help determine when one might happen.

The designs were developed to incorporate a purple ribbon, the symbol connected with epilepsy.


CAD exploded view

The exploded view of the final model, created on Solidworks, shows how the components would fit in the product to allow it to work.

When a seizure is suspected to have occurred, the screen would light up with a personalised message to aid passers-by, and turned off using the dial if it’s a false alarm. Data can then be shared to an app to show the user how their health has been over the past day, week, month and year.

User testing

Diamond device band Foam model of device User testing the foam model Foam charm to go on the sides of the screen
User testing the size of the model Foam model of the device wristband User testing User testing the button on the model


App design

The device connects to an app allowing the user to see their health and data from the day, and compare to previous days. It can be used to see information from recent seizures, and any abnormalities that should be discussed with a doctor.

The user can also set a message, tailored to their needs, to appear on the screen of the device to help advise people around them ig something happens.